Vintage dog show photos
#FlashbackFriday fun with this vintage photo of my mother showing one of our dogs in the obedience ring at a California dog show circa 1974.
#FlashbackFriday fun with this vintage photo of my mother showing one of our dogs in the obedience ring at a California dog show circa 1974.
Considering what some people will do to their dog so they are dressed alike, my changing sneakers so I matched Cleo's harness seems pretty benign, don't you think?
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What is it about senior dogs? Ever since our dog was labeled "mature" by the vet, she has steadily amped up her cuteness campaign to win the hearts of our neighbors and passersby.
She also have developed quite the triangle head.
Can you guess when or where I fell in love with dogs? Here is a clue, when I was a child my mother would let me get up before dawn in the summer and drive with her to dog shows.
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There is something about a grey or white muzzle that grabs my heart. I see an older dog who has lived a full life and they have an aura of calm, because they know they are surrounded by love and loyalty for their companionship and service.
This is a portrait of Bretagne, living the quiet life of a retired search dog. It's been over ten years since he was one of almost a hundred search and rescue teams on the ground trying to find those missing at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon after the attacks on September 11, 2001.
Only fifteen canine members are still with us, living with their handlers at home. See their incredibly moving portraits in a book by photographer Charlotte Dumas. Get a tissue if you fall for noble and gentle furry features like I do [...]
Continue reading "15 Beautiful Dignified Images of 9/11 Search and Rescue Dogs" »
Living with an older dog I've learned to appreciate the small victories. See how happy and satisfied my senior dog Cleo is in this picture? This morning on our walk around the block, it was a two-bagger. Quality and quantity. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Here's to this powerful stinky milestone and lagging indicator of my senior dog's good health!
How do you celebrate National Puppy Day? I suggest with a senior dog. My dog Cleo reminds me daily that she is still a puppy on the inside.
My dog is smart. I'm sure everyone says that about their dog but as you can see from this photo, she made her way straight to Switzerland, aka her inner tube, aka her bed with the high walls, when the Dyson vacuum came out. The high walls tuck her in and she feels secure, while being able to hear and smell any action at the front door.
Continue reading "Cleo retreats to Switzerland rather than fight Dyson" »
What is so wonderful about having an older dog? Based on my experience with this one here, toys last longer. This photo was about five years ago. That stuffy lasted a week tops before we had to compost what was left.
Did you see this cool book full of dog photos? And not just any old dog, but my old dog Cleo! I pulled it out to illustrate something fun and crafty for you. [...]
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Our dog must inspect every bag and package that enters the front door. She pushes her way past your body, your legs, and hands to stick her snout into a bag or around every side of a box.
Her nose and sense of smell is a 3-D printer for her brain. No wonder her blindess today doesn't bother her that much, as long as we don't move the furniture.
One of the first photo cards we got in the mail came from Arizona, and from an older dog whose birthday is the same day as Cleo's Homecoming Day.
Happy Barkday Cleo!
My birthday is november 9, too! i'll be 14 years old. ma and dad have something special planned for me, but they won't tell me what it is. they want it to be a surprise. they won't tell Shunka either coz he can't keep a secret.
Love, Winnie
p.s. sorry my paw-writing isn't very good. i'm not used to using a mouse device.
Happy Birthday Winnie you look beautiful as a sweet senior dog, and your typing is just fine. Wow! 14 years is an amazing milestone! We hope you have a wonderful day with your family in Arizona.
Eight years ago today we discovered our dog Cleo at the SF/SPCA and after quickly realizing she was the missing member of our family, adopted her! Today we're celebrating that incredible moment of good fortune, and the success of our first dog adoption with an online party!! And what's a party without gifts?
To kick off this auspicious anniversary we're starting the party with an eight day contest where you can win one of several really cool prizes, including a limited edition photo book featuring Cleo, the dog of the hour.
Continue reading "Celebrate with us! It's #Cleo8 Homecoming Party and Contest!" »
Sunshine & Summer Means More Fun Outdoor Puppy Photo Ops
From The Magazine | L+D Photo Photography samples on this page are from LIFE+DOG contributing photographer Claudine Kosier of Simply Dog Photography. Find Claudine in Las Vegas and Columbus, Ohio and online at This month’s photography tip can be used by anyone with any camera…
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From The Magazine | L+D Photo Photography samples on this page are from LIFE+DOG contributing photographer Claudine Kosier of Simply Dog Photography. Find Claudine in Las Vegas and Columbus, Ohio and online at This month’s photography tip can be used by anyone with any camera…
Continue reading "Photography Tips: Taking Outdoor Dog Pics" »