Sweet Senior Girl: After Our Dog’s Diabetes Diagnosis

Four years ago I heard about diabetic alert dogs from Dee Bogetti. I knew how common it was for dogs to be diagnosed with Cushing's disease, but until my dog's own diagnosis, I really had no idea dogs could many older dogs become diabetic.

The Grey Muzzle Organization asked me to share our story about what life was like with an older diabetic dog. The following is a little about how we discovered her diabetes, and how we adjusted our life to keep our sweet girl living as vibrant a life as possible.

One lesson that still remains huge for me is how much our time together mirrored my diabetic father's experiences. I will be forever grateful to my sweet senior dog for opening my eyes to the similarities between her life with diabetes and my elderly father's. Thank you Cleo.

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Read more about how we handled our dog's diabetes diagnosis [...]

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Marching with Muttville to Celebrate Mutt Pride and Senior Dogs

#AllLoveIsEqual Everyone knows this, and I believe dogs do too! In the case of my own senior dog Cleo, she knows love is love, just like all the Muttville mutts we share on these pages each week. An old dog deserves to love and be loved as much as a puppy! People are the same. All love is equal.

In case you missed it, San Francisco PRIDE was this past weekend, and I got a chance to show my Mutt Pride by walking in the parade with Muttville Senior Dog Rescue. It was a blast to see all the people along the parade route who love Muttville.


image from www.grouchypuppy.com


Einstein said, "those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act" and I know how wonderful life is with a senior dog. This weekend it was more privilege than duty for me to show my support for our local LGBTQ community and for senior dogs, because love is love.

Here are a few highlights from the day [...]

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8 Ways a Dog is Perfect For an Introvert

Some say that a dog person is more likely to be extroverted and outgoing but I disagree. I've never had a cat, but in the piece that I read, they also state that those who have cats are more likely to be introverted. Again, I have to disagree because I know quite a few cat people who are very gregarious, outgoing people. They seek out people at parties and are the last to leave because they are having fun conversations. I witnessed many of these moments in person, before I quietly sidled out the door emotionally exhausted.

image from www.grouchypuppy.com

My appreciation for the companionship of dogs is something I developed from a young age. I felt an affinity toward my furry siblings (we had four family dogs throughout my early years) and a general love for animals. For some reason I always relax when a dog is around, even if I don't know them personally. I feel better. Calm.

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Guest Post: How we handled separation anxiety with our older dog

One of the ways that Grouchy Puppy strives to educate is by being a linchpin between our readers and inspiring human-animal bond stories. Within those stories are incredible people, and experiences with dogs that we can all appreciate.

Editor's note: Every morning on Facebook and Twitter, between 9:15-9:25am PT, you'll find our question of the day. Each day everyone shares photos and gives each other valuable tips in the comments. It's a fun and engaged group. Sometimes a reader or follower has such a poignant story that we get them to come over to the blog so they can share in greater detail.

This is a special story from Gretchen, written in her own words. She shares her experience of adopting a senior dog, and how she and her husband has treated Baileys separation anxiety. It's a heartwarming story that many of us can relate, myself included. 


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Cattle dog becomes disabled kitten's guardian and buddy

Ralphee the kitten was rescued from a horse barn, moving in with Max the Australian cattle dog. What's so sweet to see is how they quickly became best buddies, especially since Ralphee was born with a neurological disorder called feline cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) which causes her to stumble around like a drunk.

Watch how Max couldn't be more patient with her at playtime.



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Nominated therapy dog works every day helping distressed kids

If you have ever whispered a secret to your dog raise your hand. Who was having a bad day when their pet out-of-the-blue came over to cuddle? The bond between humans and our pets is special. This real connection can have a positive influence on both human and animal.

To witness the human-animal bond demonstrated between a therapy dog and a distressed child is amazing. Dogs have a way of getting to the heart of the matter real quick. Feeling out of sorts? In my house it doesn't surprise me anymore when my dog senses my down mood, then gets so close to me I'm compelled to turn my attention to her, and away from my discomfort. 

Trained to encourage kids, a dog gives fearlessly

After sitting in a shelter a long time, imagine a sickly discarded dog finding not only his forever family but his perfect job -- in the process earning a 2014 Hero Dog Award nomination. Read Charles and Bentley's inspiring adoption story, and how this therapy dog team has found its calling helping our youth. 

Adopting RX

Charles Parkins lived in Florida when he and his daughter met RX. Charles was interested in adopting a dog who he could train as a therapy dog to work with him in the West Palm Beach, Florida Juvenile Detention Center.

Charles writes, "My daughter and I went to Big Dog Ranch Rescue and while looking at the 400+ dogs available for adoption we entered the “big dog barn” and were greeted by row after row of excited barking dogs. As we looked at all the dogs we found “RX” sitting in his kennel looking at us, not barking. We learned that RX had been there for awhile. He was found in the parking lot of a national pharmacy chain in a dumpster. He was heartworm positive." 


They adopted RX and renamed him Bentley in honor of his new life. As Bentley went through months of heartworm treatment, Charles recovered from a hip replacement. While they both slowly recuperated together they grew very close. Charles also began working on Bentley's training. 

"Life has a funny way of changing direction..." 

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Photography and agility training turn rescued dog into Instagram star

Like many dog people most of the photos on my Instagram account are of Cleo, and our life in San Francisco. If you scroll through the photos from three years ago, you'll be able to see how Cleo has gone from long walks in different neighborhoods to a senior dog who prefers naps and cuddles.

Meet Niner, the Instagram Star. This has to be one of my favorite stories. According to SF Weekly, Niner was an abandoned dog who not only found his forever family in Jaymi Heimbuch, but with her help along with training from the SPCA, Niner found he has a very special talent.

image from blogs.sfweekly.com

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Two legged dog enjoys first trip to the beach

What an inspiration! Duncan a two-legged Boxer experiences the beach for the first time. Watch out! About 47 seconds into the video this adorable dog almost runs into the camera he is so happy. 


If you're feeling blue or need to be visually reminded of why dogs make the best teachers, watch this video. You will have smiles for miles!  Watch Duncan, can you feel the joy seep into your bones?


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[Not so] Secret recipe for a happy life with an older dog

There is no secret to happiness, or a happy life with an older dog. Happiness is a choice. Deciding to create and build a happy life with an older dog is also a choice. After her diabetes diagnosis, I chose to find positive life lessons. As Cleo lost her eyesight, I learned that focusing on the joy of our day-to-day life today is better than giving in to anticipatory grief. I chose the red pill and our life together is the better for it. 

image from http://www.grouchypuppy.com/
Think she knew today was special this year?

Red Pill or Blue Pill.

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Retired Couple Raise Awareness for Senior Dog Adoption with Short Film

How would you react after watching family after family walk past sweet adoptable senior dogs, heading straight to the puppies? Barbara Gross saw this happen so often that she was inspired to write and direct the short film when she worked at the Humane Society of Wickenburg, Arizona.

“Another Chance” was selected as one of seven local films to be screened at the Siouxland Film Festival [...]


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Beautiful dog poems that make you smile and cry simultaneously

Dog lovers know that valentines and affairs of the heart, aren't just between people. There are a number of poems out there celebrating the love between human and dog. To honor our bond, I've found this poem by Kipling that had me shedding a few tears, but also made me smile when I imagined my dog Cleo waiting impatiently for me.


Read this beautiful poem, and tell me if your heart doesn't feel a little better afterwards in the comments [...]

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They're loud, dirty and demanding. Why are we drawn to dogs?

As an open dog lover, I sometimes wonder how that came about. Was I born that way? Is it a choice? Was it the result of my being exposed to our first puppy as a child? I had such a positive experience that I was hooked on canines? I wonder...

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Bruin ponders why he's on the other side of the screen

Given that dogs can be loud, dirty and demanding, why are we continually drawn to them?

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8 Wonderful Stories From 2013 Featuring Dogs

Reading about dogs is something I never tire of. These amazing creatures comfort us, protect us, and make us laugh. Sometimes it seems without effort. Dogs don't hold grudges. If a dog loves you, they love you with no filters or hesitation. This year we've seen and read stories of dogs saving lives, comforting weary travelers, helping kids learn to love reading, and helping veterans live a good life. Whatever we ask of them, dogs step up again, and again. 

image from www.grouchypuppy.com

Let's look back at some of my favorite stories from 2013 featuring dogs, being the amazing creatures that they are [...]

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