Good boy, Moose!! 🎓 Therapy dog gets honorary diploma for his six year career at Virginia Tech
So much has changed, but still there is the delightful consistency of dogs

Helping dogs get another chance at a forever family, one step and flight at a time

Pilots N Paws is a wonderful nonprofit. Their volunteer pilots and plane owners assist specific rescues and shelters, sometimes flying animals directly to adopters waiting to be united with their new pup. They take to the skies to give adorable adoptable dogs a second chance at a forever home.


Giving a dog another chance at a happy life is one of the reasons I support Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and volunteer with them. I believe that dogs offer us humans another chance to show kindness, do good, be humane, and demonstrate the best of humankind towards animals. This is how both sides demonstrate the animal-human bond. Whenever I have offered the sweet older dogs compassion at Muttville, they have generously offered me affection and gratitude in return.

Image from


The world needs our positive influence, our empathy can heal. When we have a compassionate response to those in need, the world notices.


Learn more:

Pilots N Paws:

Pilots N Paws® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our site is intended to be a meeting place for volunteers engaged in the valuable services of rescuing, sheltering and adopting animals, and volunteer pilots and plane owners willing to assist with animal transportation. The intent of Pilots N Paws is to provide an environment in which volunteers can come together and arrange or schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care or shelter, and all other related activities.

Through the Pilots N Paws discussion board, volunteers can exchange information regarding animal transports, coordinate and schedule transports, share rescue stories and recruit volunteers.

Read about more Muttville Senior Dog Rescue 

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