Free Giveaway: Celebrate National Dog Day + 10 Years of Grouchy Puppy đŸ¶
Stars Shine for Remember Me Thursday Global Pet Adoption Awareness Campaign!

Kowabunga đŸ„đŸ»â€â™‚ïž It’s Helen Woodwood’s Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon Time 🌞

How can you tell summer is officially over? When you see dogs on surfboards in the California sunshine, raising money for one of our favorite animal groups! Sunday, September 8th it’s Helen Woodward Animal Center’s 14th annual Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon!


Surf dogs can hardly wait to show off the skills they’ve fetched at the ultimate summer-closer. Helen Woodward’s Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon was the first-of-its-kind, turning ‘dogs on surfboards’ into a platform to raise life-saving funds and reminding the world that “man’s best friend” can do phenomenal things.

Helen Woodward Animal Center’s 14th annual Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon, presented by Blue Buffalo, dives into action at Dog Beach Del Mar THIS Sunday, September 8th, 2019, from 8am to 2pm PST. 

There will be fun free kids activities all day, celebrity judges, Two VERY SPECIAL Surf Dog Hall-of-Fame Inductions, a freestyle surf contest with points awarded for creativity and MORE!

If you can’t be there in person, you can watch the Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon unfold on Facebook by heading to at 8:30am PT/11:30am ET

Come on down to Dog Beach in Del Mar! Sunday, September 8th, 2019 between 8:00am – 2:00pm. It’s certain to make some EPIC waves!

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