O Henry you sweet, sweet, adorable love bug! Look at those eyes, he’s charming his way into your heart without even realizing it. He politely stared into my eyes until I opened my arms to let him climb up for a cuddle...

Henry is a friendly mutt who could do just the trick for you! Slow and steady, Henry loves to hang out with other dogs, sit in laps, and be pet for hours!
He is the king of lowering blood pressure, and keeping the blues away!
Henry is a small, light brown Terrier mix with grey around his muzzle and a calm disposition. He has the sweetest little face in the world and loves you as soon as you show him affection.
Henry is curious and friendly, and would be quite at home in any sort of living space, and would even go on walks if you asked nicely!
Henry is a perfect, chill companion who needs a loving home. Come meet this incredible boy!

Stop by Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco and let Henry win your heart! He won mine!! What a little snuggler...
Henry is estimated to be 9 years young and weighs 17 lbs.
Learn more here —> https://muttville.org/mutt/henry-6601