My Muttville Story About Adoptable Tag
KQED SF & PBS Digital Video Short 🐶 How Your Dog's Nose Knows So Much

Adopt ♥️ Love! Reduced Adoption Fees for Chihuahuas at Muttville SF until March 1st

My first dog love was for a very large fluffy Samoyed. She was a senior sweetheart we took in from a family friend who was moving away. I spent more time on the oily ground of our carport playing with her than I did with any doll or toy. Fast forward to three years ago and the start of my weekly volunteer shifts with Muttville Senior Dog Rescue.

Thanks to weekly shifts with the sugar faces in the doggy loft on Rescue Row, I can say that little poodles, terriers and chihuahuas have won my heart a hundred times over! This affection I have developed for these wee dogs kind of surprised me because I have been a devout big dog lover my entire life, up until now.

We all know that it is to our detriment when we believe stereotypes, when we assume other people’s experiences are the only truth. Assuming the stereotypical picture parroted about chihuahuas is the absolute truth is no different. Not all chihuahuas bark a lot, shiver constantly, act territorial or bite everybody. It makes me very happy to report that I have met some of the cutest, softest, calmest chihuahuas since I began volunteering at Muttville.


If you are thinking about adding a dog to your life, consider a chihuahua. They make perfect companions for people of all ages, especially city dwellers, and oldsters like me. If you live in a smaller place, and if you rent because many pet friendly landlords are open to these smaller dogs, you should consider a chi.

Some of the chihuahuas I’ve met are perfect little sidekicks, road-tripping co-pilot and tiny protector. Those who love to snuggle feel like your own weighted-blanket. And then there are the funny ones who love to wear clothes — that still makes me laugh!

Muttville is currently FULL of chihuahuas of every shape, size, and color. From now until March 1st adoption fees for any chihuahua are only $100!

How can I learn more about these cuties?

Email Muttville:

[email protected]

Visit their website:

Stop by Love a Senior Weekend 12-4pm at Muttville Headquarters
255 Alabama St. (corner of 16th) in San Francisco

Go to any adoption event

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