How adopting a shelter dog challenged and changed me
Discover why senior dogs rule: Fall in love with Danny!

Discover why senior dogs rules: Fall in love with Humphrey!

Who's worried about an El Nino winter when you can snuggle up to this big adorable blend of Aussie and St. Bernard? If we could use three words to describe Humphrey, we’d say he’s happy, happy, happy! I know he'll convince you that senior dogs rule once you meet him.

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This BIG guy always has a smile on his face, and boy is it contagious; you can’t help but smile when you’re around Humphrey!

Humphrey gets along great with dogs of all sizes, loves going for rides in the car and makes a great walking companion too.

If you’re looking for a loveable goofball to be your newest constant companion, Humphrey is the boy for you!

Meet him at Muttville in San Francisco on Rescue Row!

We think Humphrey is between 8-10 years young, weighing around 100 lbs.

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