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Nor Cal Elderly Couple's Animal Hospice Featured in KQED's Truly CA Shorts

Here in the Bay Area, our compassionate response to pet overpopulation and to finding homes for "less adoptables" like senior dogs has been admirable. I've been a supporter of Muttville Senior Dog Rescue for many years, and the incredible Lily's Senior Dog Sanctuary in Marin County for the past couple of years. 

For all that is available to animals in the Bay Area, more awareness about non-euthanasia options is needed. This Sunday, November 1, as part of a group of short films on KQED Truly CA you will meet an elderly couple in the North Bay giving dogs, cats, and horses, the chance to live out their lives with dignity rather than be euthanized because of age or disability. 


Last Stop in Santa Rosa

An elderly couple in Santa Rosa runs a hospice for dying animals that creates an alternative to pet euthanasia. Without a voice to decide their own fates, these aging and disabled animals rely on humans to make the best choice for them.

Tune into  San Francisco’s KQED 9 on Sunday, November 1st at 6pm PT  to watch this short documentary by Elizabeth Lo, in the Truly CA episode: Truly CA Shorts: State of Discovery, which features five short films exploring the California experience.

For more information on Truly CA:

Truly CA:

Truly CA Facebook:

Truly CA on YouTube:

Truly CA on PBS Video:

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Discover why senior dogs rule: Fall in love with Danny!

Long hair, don't care! I adore a wee man and Danny Longhaired dachshund will show you why senior dogs rule! Wait, Danny is a senior dog? We think he acts like a much younger pup!

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Danny is one of the friendliest dogs you’ll ever meet, we guarantee it! He is always bouncing from room to room, looking for a new lap to lay in.

Danny does great with dogs of all sizes and makes a lovely little walking companion. He's a perfect gentleman! 

Meet him at Muttville on Rescue Row in San Francisco!

We think Danny is 7 years young, weighing around 10 lbs.

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Discover why senior dogs rules: Fall in love with Humphrey!

Who's worried about an El Nino winter when you can snuggle up to this big adorable blend of Aussie and St. Bernard? If we could use three words to describe Humphrey, we’d say he’s happy, happy, happy! I know he'll convince you that senior dogs rule once you meet him.

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This BIG guy always has a smile on his face, and boy is it contagious; you can’t help but smile when you’re around Humphrey!

Humphrey gets along great with dogs of all sizes, loves going for rides in the car and makes a great walking companion too.

If you’re looking for a loveable goofball to be your newest constant companion, Humphrey is the boy for you!

Meet him at Muttville in San Francisco on Rescue Row!

We think Humphrey is between 8-10 years young, weighing around 100 lbs.

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How adopting a shelter dog challenged and changed me

I wonder how many people are surprised by the positive influence a shelter dog can have on them. It's Adopt A Shelter Dog Month and since my dog Cleo was adopted from our local shelter, the San Francisco SPCA, I thought I would share what the biggest challenge was and how she changed me.

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Biggest challenge to choosing adoption of a shelter dog? Fear

For me, probably the biggest challenge of adopting a shelter dog was the fear. I was fearful of the unknown. You have to trust that the people running the animal center, the shelter, and the humane society are making sure the big dogs they offer for adoption aren't going to rip your face off while you sleep. Okay, that is a joke, but it kind of did cross my mind on our first night together because we chose to adopt a big Shepherd-Husky.

But you know what, I learned later on that being afraid is okay because I didn't let it stop me from acting. I am beyond thrilled that I chose to adopt a shelter dog. Look at us together!

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How did adopting a shelter dog change me?

Choosing to not let my initial fear stop me from adopting Cleo, taught me about the power of trust. I learned how to trust my gut. I learned how to trust my relationship with my dog. I built on my history of love for dogs as a child, and forged a wonderful bond with this girl. Our life together and its many experiences changed how I viewed rescue dogs forever.

When we're ready, I will most certainly adopt a shelter dog again. And again. And again.

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Happy 100th Birthday Billie Holiday, legendary jazz singer and dog lover!

Guess who is famous for both her beautiful voice, and for her love of dogs? Hint: bet she didn't sing the blues when her dogs were nearby...


This year marks the 100th birthday of the legendary Billie Holiday. When you look at the many photos of Lady Day with her dogs, you can see what a positive influence they had over her. I bet they provided a wonderful companionship, especially given the era she lived in as a professional singer. Dogs don't discriminate or care about your looks or color, they just love you. 

This photo above is from a 1949 cover story for Ebony magazine, and it shows Ms. Holiday at home in her Harlem apartment cooking a steak with Mister, who is probably making sure it stays rare! The photo below is the two of them listening to records together. 


Eleanora Fagan, professionally known as Billie Holiday, was an American jazz musician and singer-songwriter. Nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and music partner Lester Young, Holiday had a seminal influence on jazz music and pop singing. Wikipedia
Do you have any favorite musicians who were dog lovers?

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Discover why senior dogs rule: Fall in love with Scooter!

Scooter is the perfect blend of breeds who came out just right! What a handsome older dog!

He’s a lovable snugglebug who wants nothing more than to be right by your side, getting belly rubs and listening to your day.

We may not know too much about his past, but we can see that Scooter gets along great with people and dogs of all sizes.

Scooter can be a bit nervous in new situations, but with all his transitions lately who can blame him!

A mellow home where Scooter can blossom into the goofy guy we know he is would be the best.

We think Scooter is between 8-10 years young, weighing about 14 lbs.

Fall in love with him at Muttville on Rescue Row in San Francisco!

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What Encourages People to Walk Their Dog?

During National Walk Your Dog Week, this article had us thinking about how to encourage people to walk their dog. Our brains know walking together is good for both of us, but sometimes that isn't enough to get us out the door.

Pet obesity, along with humans, is a real issue. It's easy to get into the habit of staying curled up inside, or letting our dog nap the day away.

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We decided to ask this question on our Facebook page, and one great answer came from Kathleen:

When I take my dog for walks I use the "Walk for a Dog" app. Every time we walk, they donate to the animal shelter or rescue of my choice. I walk for because that is the organization that my dog was adopted through.

Some spoke of the simple joy of exploring the outdoors together, while others saw the clear health benefit.

I loved going on dog walks with Cleo. Besides the obvious exercise, it was fun to see the neighborhood through her eyes. We had some adventures together that felt like we were Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer. Mischief with a big dog in the city is not to be missed!

Read more via Companion Animal Psychology and tell me, what motivates you? Is it a welcoming outdoor space, the desire for some exercise together, or ???

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Discover why senior dogs rule: Fall in love with Wallace!

Wallace is a wee Scottish gentleman with regal good looks and a winning personality. What a handsome senior dog!

Wallace is brand new to Muttville but has already made himself quite popular with both people and other dogs.

Wallace is a mellow fellow who enjoys lounging around on our comfy beds and soaking up the sun.

He’s a great little walker on leash, too! Not too big and not too small, Wallace is just right!

We think Wallace is between 9-11 years young, weighing about 20 lbs.

Meet him at Muttville on Rescue Row in San Francisco, and fall in love!

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