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November 2014
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Batman pajama-clad greyhound in snow is one of our favorite videos of 2014

This month, one of our favorite posts on the Grouchy Puppy Facebook wall had to be Mosley the greyhound having the best time playing in the snow, while wearing his Batman pajamas. Yep, Batman pjs.

It got such a response from viewers that Mosley's guardians commented, writing:

"Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman. Then always be Batman! - Mosley & family."

Sounds like good advice for man and dog in my book.

Watch Mosley the greyhound race the moon for yourself then let us know in the comments if you've ever seen a happier dog, in the snow or wearing pajamas.


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If my dog spoke she would never say this, would yours?

This holiday season has been rough because the loss of my sweet old dog is still fresh. We have delayed putting up any decorations that remind us of her, and we skipped putting up stockings all together because I can't bear to see hers.

Given that my dog didn't need me now, I decided to fly to Arizona to visit my mother. She's up there in age and with our shared background loving dogs, I knew she'd know what to say to help me manage my grief.

Have you ever had one of those times when you are just so surprised by your reaction to something? Where you are caught off guard by the passionate response you have to a random commercial, or highway billboard or maybe a magazine ad.

I had one of those experiences as I paged through the SkyMall catalog while on the plane south. SkyMall was filled with every gadget no one really needs. As I flipped the pages, my eyes landed first on a $24 "Pet Tiding Stone" that memorializes your pet using a rock and not your pet's ID tag or collar. Then scanning to the right, I see this...

Screenshot 2014-12-12 14.51.10...and I almost lose my sh*t in broad daylight.

Continue reading "If my dog spoke she would never say this, would yours?" »

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Thanks to all the dogs we love...

We are a pack of dog lovers influenced by the dogs we love to be better people.

This week our Grouchy Puppy morning question on Facebook asked, "#ThankfulThursday We appreciate all the new dog loving friends we've made in 2014 because of our Cleo. Because of your dog(s), what's one new reason you're thankful this year?"

The following is how readers responded. In the comments below, I'd love to see what you're thankful for this year[...]

Continue reading "Thanks to all the dogs we love..." »

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Giving Fearlessly to Senior Dogs During Their Golden Years

When you experience the love, devotion and joy having an older dog in your life, it's as if you've glimpsed heaven on earth. I will always remember my dog Cleo and how she made me feel as she became a senior dog.

As a way to honoring her positive influence over us, we're sharing on Grouchy Puppy beautiful images and stories involving the relationship between people and their older dogs, from Project Unconditional.

Read the following story about an amazing woman, who I admire greatly, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of senior dogs.  

Photo: © Jane Sobel Klonsky, Project Unconditional

The Golden Years

Patty Stanton’s first experience with the joy of senior dogs was watching her childhood dog, Happy, age along with her. Decades later when it came time to adopt a dog for her own family, she luckily found Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco.

When it comes to adopting a senior dog, the decision is easy for Patty. “They come with manners,” she says, “and what you see is what you get.” The gratefulness of adult dogs is apparent from the beginning too, and Patty relishes the unique opportunity to shepherd senior dogs through their golden years. Patty now serves on the board of directors at Muttville where she can continue her passionate commitment to creating better lives for senior dogs through rescue, foster, adoption, hospice, and education.

Project Unconditional by Jane Sobel Klonsky is a collection of photos and stories focusing on the powerful relationships between people and their older dogs.

Visit Project Unconditional for more photographs and information, and keep up with the project on Facebook.


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Happy dog walks includes rainbows

One neighborhood found a way to make dog walks in the city even better...


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