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Marching with Muttville to Celebrate Mutt Pride and Senior Dogs

#AllLoveIsEqual Everyone knows this, and I believe dogs do too! In the case of my own senior dog Cleo, she knows love is love, just like all the Muttville mutts we share on these pages each week. An old dog deserves to love and be loved as much as a puppy! People are the same. All love is equal.

In case you missed it, San Francisco PRIDE was this past weekend, and I got a chance to show my Mutt Pride by walking in the parade with Muttville Senior Dog Rescue. It was a blast to see all the people along the parade route who love Muttville.


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Einstein said, "those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act" and I know how wonderful life is with a senior dog. This weekend it was more privilege than duty for me to show my support for our local LGBTQ community and for senior dogs, because love is love.

Here are a few highlights from the day [...]

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Cleo offers this wisdom: "I'll stay and watch the house"

Our dogs love riding shotgun with us but for their safety, especially during the summer months, take Cleo's advice and let them stay home. 


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Influence Positively Interview: Richard Avanzino

Widely viewed as the "dog-father" of the ‘no-kill’ movement, Rich Avanzino has had a major influence on companion animal welfare over his 38 years in the industry.
As President of Maddie’s Fund®, Rich directs the family foundation’s $300 million endowment effort to revolutionize the status and well being of companion animals. And to achieve and sustain a no-kill nation by providing solutions to the most challenging issues facing the animal welfare community through the combined efforts of Maddie's InstituteSM (research and education), Maddie's® Adoption Program (foster-based adoptions) and Maddie's® Grant Giving. Maddie’s Fund has awarded more than $150 million in grants since 1999.
Read Rich's answers to our five lighthearted questions and learn how like most of us, he's happiest when relaxing with his pets.

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Senior dogs sure make cute faces

What is it about senior dogs? Ever since our dog was labeled "mature" by the vet, she has steadily amped up her cuteness campaign to win the hearts of our neighbors and passersby. 

Senior dogs make cute faces

She also have developed quite the triangle head.


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If you missed SPARCS 2014 here are a few highlights for the doglover

Does it make you a dog dork if you want to spend your money attending a conference promoting applied research in canine science, when you are not a behaviorist, dog trainer, or even a Ph.D. student? I'm only an animal lover, and a really huge dog lover. My nightstand typically holds nonfiction books on animal psychology, dog behavior that I enjoy reading for fun and because I'm incredibly curious.

I take advantage of the San Francisco Public Library and its extensive lending system that allows me to get academic textbooks and various white papers from notables like James Serpell, Konrad Lorenz and more. Again, for fun. I mix those tomes with science fiction and spy novels. Maybe it's my love of a good mystery that has this layperson interested in understanding dog behavior and ethology? What about you?

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Adoptable Senior Dog of the Week: Brooklyn

Some dogs just have that face you want to grab and smooch, their joyful expressions are contagious. This sweet bulldog is like that. She's happy to be with people who are making her feel better while they find her a forever family. Come meet adoptable Brooklyn...

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Forever and ever: More states allow people and pets to remain together

Virginia joins other states allowing humans and their pets to rest in peace next to each other in special burial sections. Would you, if you could?

The majority of readers on the Grouchy Puppy Facebook page had us impressed by how many were already organized when it came to being cremated or buried with their dogs.

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8 Ways a Dog is Perfect For an Introvert

Some say that a dog person is more likely to be extroverted and outgoing but I disagree. I've never had a cat, but in the piece that I read, they also state that those who have cats are more likely to be introverted. Again, I have to disagree because I know quite a few cat people who are very gregarious, outgoing people. They seek out people at parties and are the last to leave because they are having fun conversations. I witnessed many of these moments in person, before I quietly sidled out the door emotionally exhausted.

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My appreciation for the companionship of dogs is something I developed from a young age. I felt an affinity toward my furry siblings (we had four family dogs throughout my early years) and a general love for animals. For some reason I always relax when a dog is around, even if I don't know them personally. I feel better. Calm.

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If Dogs Represented World Cup National Teams

Dogs representing their home country in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. How do you think they'd compare to the Puppy Bowl with viewers? If like so many Americans professional soccer (or football) isn't your passion, would this get you to watch the World Cup?

Thanks to this creative website


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