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Where do you go when you're feeling low? #RescueRow!

Where should you go when you're feeling low? Rescue Row. Where can you find the kind of love that is unconditional? Rescue Row. We can verify there is lots of loving companionship waiting for you on Rescue Row in San Francisco.

The unveiling of this special place for adoptable pets happened on Saturday, but if you are looking to bring some love and sunshine into your life, today, as part of Maddie's Pet Adoption Days, adoption fees are waived at the SFSPCA, Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, Animal Care and Control of San Francisco, and Northern California Family Dog Rescue.

Head on down to Alabama between 15th and 16th Streets in San Francisco!  Here are scenes from Saturday:


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Follow the happy sounds...


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How life with a senior dog keeps changing for the better

You know why your veterinarian says it's important to bring your mature or senior dog in for a check up every six months? Dogs age faster than people. They show signs from aging more quickly as they advance in years. It can be easy to miss something, like a behavior change that slowly creeps up on you.

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3 reasons a senior dog will steal your heart

Many years ago I gave my heart to an adult dog. She thanked me by stealing my heart all over again, when a few years later she entered her older senior dog stage.

Now you might be wondering why I don't steal my heart back, but if you do, then you probably never had a senior dog in your life before. Once you have experienced life with an older dog you learn that with age comes a bag of tricks. My dog knows how to throw puppy eyes at me until I part with more treats than I had planned. She can shrink her snout at will and turn her whole body into a cute little fluff-ball.

Look at this photo, she is pouring on the charm! Watch out for these three reasons a senior dog will steal your heart [...]

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15 Beautiful Dignified Images of 9/11 Search and Rescue Dogs

There is something about a grey or white muzzle that grabs my heart. I see an older dog who has lived a full life and they have an aura of calm, because they know they are surrounded by love and loyalty for their companionship and service.

This is a portrait of Bretagne, living the quiet life of a retired search dog. It's been over ten years since he was one of almost a hundred search and rescue teams on the ground trying to find those missing at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon after the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Only fifteen canine members are still with us, living with their handlers at home. See their incredibly moving portraits in a book by photographer Charlotte Dumas. Get a tissue if you fall for noble and gentle furry features like I do [...]

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Rescue Row ribbon cutting ceremony kicks-off Maddies Pet Adoption Days

Where did you look for love? Did you wait for friends to introduce you to someone? Search online profiles? If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a street and neighborhood that is overflowing with love. The kind that animal lovers appreciate and search, this intersection has been officially recognized by the city of St. Francis. 

From the Rescue Row Resolution, sponsored by San Francisco Board of Supervisors Campos, Wiener, Kim, and Cohen:

RESOLVED, That there shall be an honorary naming of "Rescue Row" in recognition of the valuable contributions that these organizations make to the lives of San Francisco's animals and the city as a whole

Screenshot 2014-05-22 13.42.24

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5 Reasons You'll Love a Senior Dog!

When we adopted our dog, she was already at least three years old. Her teeth were not the best and soon she had about a dozen pulled after we invested in three root canals. As she has gotten older, her tongue flops out when she is on her side in a very endearing manner. The amount of drool she produces has also multiplied in volume in the past year, and I don't think it is from a sudden increase in her desire for food. Girlfriend has been food motivated from day one.

It's interesting that her extra drool and missing teeth means more food particles drop onto her fore legs. Maybe it's her Husky nature but my dog is fastidious about her personal hygiene. She will carefully clean any food that might have fallen onto her legs. She also likes to use my pant leg or crotch as a napkin after a meal but that is why I wear sweats at home. Hey, she's earned a few perks at this stage, and her funny quirks are all the more reason to love a senior dog.

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Influence Positively Interview: Josephine Bloomfield

Last week I shared some of the back-story of Maddie's Pet Adoption Days coming up May 31 - June 1, 2014. Today the Grouchy Puppy Influence Positively Interviews return, and I want you to meet Josephine Bloomfield, Maddie’s Fund grants specialist and the person who makes Maddie’s® Pet Adoption Days, the largest free pet adoption event in the United States happen.

Influence Positively Interviews.  A lot of new and amazing people involved with animal welfare, senior dog adoption, dog behavior and more have come to light since the Influence Positively Interview series began four years ago. [Revisit early interviews] It seemed like the right time to dust off those five light-hearted questions that everyone can answer -- giving readers a chance to discover and connect with other animal lovers they may or may not know.

Do you know someone who should join this series? Email the editors: [email protected]


Josephine Bloomfield_photo

Meet Josephine Bloomfield from Maddie’s Fund [...]

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Adoptable Senior Dog of the Week: Louie

I love big dogs! Big ol' furry cuddle buddies, that's what they are, and this gorgeous boxer is no exception! Have you met Louie yet? He's 60-lbs of handsome and adoptable!

We shared his Muttville profile back in January when he was ten pounds lighter and just finding his smile again. Now look at him! What lovable mug he has, can you believe he's 10 years old and he loves cats? 

To reintroduce you to this sweetheart, read this great interview with Louie by Calvin, the mischievous terrier from small club: big adventures for small dogs. It's a Grouchy Puppy exclusive [...]

photo credit: jane goldman, muttmedia

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Thanks to the spirit of a little dog and collaborative partnerships, Maddie's Pet Adoption Days sets goal of 10,000 qualified homes for pets

I have had an amazing big dog in my life for over eight years now. She’s beautiful, full of personality and an endless source of inspiration. She also happens to now be old, arthritic, blind and diabetic, but, if I saw her for the first time today, I would adopt her all over again. The incredible joy she brings into our family is worth the heartache from knowing her life with us will never be long enough.

My dog Cleo is a big reason behind my interest in supporting and promoting Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days. I look into Cleo's eyes and see the face of a dog who knows she's loved. I want other people interested in bringing a dog, or cat, into their family to consider adopting a senior or disabled pet. Did you know the financial support going to the 200 participating shelters and rescue agencies -- in 591 cities across the U.S. -- includes a $2,000 per adoption of medically treatable and senior dogs and cats?


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Grouchy Puppy Founder, Sharon with Cleo, adopted from the SF/SPCA

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Small senior dog victories: Two-bag dog walks

Living with an older dog I've learned to appreciate the small victories. See how happy and satisfied my senior dog Cleo is in this picture? This morning on our walk around the block, it was a two-bagger. Quality and quantity. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Here's to this powerful stinky milestone and lagging indicator of my senior dog's good health!

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