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Skipalong for Animal Rescue on May 10 in San Francisco

On Saturday, May 10th people of all ages can join in a fun skipping fundraising event for Hopalong & Second Chance Animal Rescue.


Walk by any school or playground in the city and you're bound to see kids skipping. Skipping is fun! It's part of a good workout, and it generates a lot of positive energy.

May 10th is the 15th Anniversary of Skip for a Cause sponsored by with this year's uplifting event benefiting Hopalong & Second Chance Animal Rescue.

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Highlights from Record Breaking SF DogFest 2014

This year was bigger than ever at DogFest in Duboce Park in San Francisco. The sun and crowds came out to support the community and the kids at McKinley. 

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Golden Retriever is natural "hen mother"

11-year-old golden retriever Champ is a natural at nesting. A box of baby chicks were left on their doorstep and while her mom searches for homes for the brood, Champ is showing everyone why senior dogs rule.




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SF DogFest 2014: Pet Parade, Dog Show, Kid Carnival Sat. April 26th

Looking for family fun this weekend that also supports a neighborhood public school? If you love dogs and kids then come out for the annual DogFest in beautiful sunny Duboce Park. This is the seventh year of the huge outdoor community fundraiser for McKinnley Elementary School in San Francisco. 


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Saturday, April 26, 2014

11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Cost: FREE to watch. Tickets are sold for food and kids games. Registration fee for the dog show.

Duboce Park | Duboce and Noe

San Francisco, CA

For more event details about this fun event.


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Are you prepared? April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month

There are ways to prevent dog bites, but do you know what you would do if your dog got hurt at the park? How about if your puppy devoured a bag of chocolate chips?

Not only have I thought about those situations but my dog is elderly and blind. Oh, and I live in San Francisco, an area famous for having earthquakes. I've many reasons to periodically take a minute and ask myself, "What would I do if Cleo was hurt?"

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Do you have a First Aid kit for your dog?

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Guest Post: Our Experience With Holistic Treatments (Part Two)

I believe that it's important for dog lovers to share our personal canine experiences in our own voice, which is why you will find occasional guest posts on Grouchy Puppy doing just that -- do remember Maggie's two-part series on pet adoption or Elisa's series on her experiences dog fostering?

Today, Jana Rade is sharing part two of a two-part guest post discussing her experience with holistic treatments. Jana is a graphic designer by profession and never aspired to learning about dog health issues until she met Jasmine. Unfortunately, she received a crash course in the subject due to Jasmine’s many health issues and has since become an advocate for other pet owners and their four-legged friends.

Our Experience With Holistic Treatments (Part Two)

Here is a little note: any modality is only as good as the vet using it. Truly. It is one thing to decide to go with either conventional modern medicine or alternative holistic medicine and it is another thing all together to find a vet who is good at it. I know people who curse holistic medicine just because they stumbled upon a bad apple and things went wrong. Holistic vets are good or bad just like conventional vets are good or bad. This is important to keep in mind. If you’re not getting the results you want, you might be using a wrong approach OR you might be using a wrong vet.


After our first non-traditional experience, I did change my point of view and always considered using holistic approach before resorting to conventional medicine. 

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Adoptable Senior Dog of the Week: Tommy G

What is it about Dachshunds, or as I like to call them Doxies, that make them so happy and upbeat? All of these wee dogs that I've met are like this week's adoptable senior dog, happy, ignores cats, and does that little Doxie trot during a walk around the block. 

This week we have a new fun interview between mischievous terrier Calvin, the leader of small club: big adventures for small dogs, and Tommy G.… a exclusive! Come read this cute question and answer session with this sweet senior dachshund, Tommy G [...]

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Guest Post: Our Experience with Holistic Treatments

I believe that it's important for dog lovers to share our personal canine experiences in our own voice, which is why you will find occasional guest posts on Grouchy Puppy doing just that -- do remember Maggie's two-part series on pet adoption?

Today, Jana Rade is sharing part one of a two-part guest post discussing her experience with holistic treatments. Jana is a graphic designer by profession and never aspired to learning about dog health issues until she met Jasmine. Unfortunately, she received a crash course in the subject due to Jasmine’s many health issues and has since become an advocate for other pet owners and their four-legged friends.

Our Experience with Holistic Treatments

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I was an oblivious dog mom. I figured that taking my dog to a vet and then do what they said was all I needed to do. In an ideal world, it should work that way. In this one, it often does not.

There were things they just dismissed instead of digging deeper for a diagnosis. And there were times when the treatment seemed worse than the disease.

And then there was the fact that Jasmine often had bad reactions to various drugs.


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Two legged dog enjoys first trip to the beach

What an inspiration! Duncan a two-legged Boxer experiences the beach for the first time. Watch out! About 47 seconds into the video this adorable dog almost runs into the camera he is so happy. 


If you're feeling blue or need to be visually reminded of why dogs make the best teachers, watch this video. You will have smiles for miles!  Watch Duncan, can you feel the joy seep into your bones?


Are you interested in more videos or stories like this? Help us make sure you get the kind of content that keeps you reading and sharing throughout 2014 -- please take two minutes and answer these 5-6 questions

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National Pet Day | Celebrating the joy we found with a rescue dog

Do dogs have intuition? Cleo sure can smell love. She has an uncanny way of knowing when to slow down and patient. She has always been a good detective but I think losing her vision has enhanced her ability to identify love under the surface of any animal or person. An insurance company could hire her as a lead risk management agent or head investigator, she's that accurate.

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April 11, 2014 is National Pet Day, and a day we celebrate our discovery that rescue dogs are the best and we'd adopt again in a heartbeat!

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Dog fighting is a crime but continues in America. Learn how to recognize & report it

According to Albert Einstein, "Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act" and for Grouchy Puppy that means helping raise awareness of the awful crime of dog fighting. The ASPCA is leading a series of events that will teach how to recognize and report dog fighting.

The ASPCA has officially designated April 8th as National Dog Fighting Awareness Day to raise awareness about dog fighting brutality, and will be hosting a Google+ Hangout with national experts to discuss the underground world of dog fighting. The panel will be moderated by ABC News anchor Dan Harris and will include little-known truths about the blood sport and its continued prevalence in America.

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Adoptable Senior Dog of the Week: Dolce

Dolce means sweet in Italian! That is what our little Dolce is, as he loves to cuddle and be held!!

We know he will make someone very happy!! He came to Muttville in rough shape, with very little hair and feces dried onto his face and head. Being the handsome and trusting guy he really is, Dolce enjoyed his bath so much!!

We think he is 8 years old, he is pretty active and he weighs 13 pounds.

Dolce, though wonderful with all humans, can be picky with the dogs he likes. He would be best as the only dog in his new home.

Come meet the dapper lil' fella at Muttville! You'll be living La Dolce Vita together soon!

We post adoptable Muttville Senior Rescue Dogs on Pinterest. Will you help us find them their forever home by sharing their profiles?

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