Reason 314 why senior dogs rule
Retired Couple Raise Awareness for Senior Dog Adoption with Short Film

When you're dog has skin allergies, a dermatologist is part of the team

Our veterinarian specializing in dermatology retired recently. Dr. Reinke was part of Team Cleo for many years. Cleo is a very allergic dog so I was conflicted when the vet's letter arrived announcing her decision. I was happy for her. She was kind enough to suggest a new practice for us to try, but still, I was bummed. It has a taken a long time to curate this team of trusted caregivers.

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Cleo follows Dr. Reinke for her blood draw


It's difficult to find a veterinarian of any kind that meshes well with you and your dog, including specialists. We went through a few vet specialists before finding Dr. Reinke. When we met it was a relief. She had a warmth that all three of us quickly responded to. We also benefited from her deep experience and ability to communicate clearly -- to both man and beast. Upon their first meeting, she easily got Cleo to hold still while she poked and prodded, lifting one leg or the other.

Given that so much of what we brought to Dr. Reinke was in the form of vague stories, her compassionate response was always appreciated. She never rolled her eyes or sighed with exasperation like someone a little more jaded or overwhelmed by their workload might.

So goodbye Dr. Reinke, and happy retirement! Thank you for your patience. You gave insightful responses to all of our questions about seasonal issues, homeopathic alternatives, and various drug therapy.

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