Pet 'Net Adoption Event 2012 "An indescribable measure of love"
Senior Dog Month: What's so great about Cleo?

Can't adopt now? Foster a senior pet for the holidays



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Via Star

Kittens and puppies can be a lot of fun, but they can also stress out their owners and cause some sleepless nights.

While the Panhandle Humane Society wants to see all its shelter animals find forever homes, Cathy McDaniel, executive director, said it has a number of older or senior dogs and cats that often get overlooked when someone comes in to adopt a pet.

McDaniel said they often have people come in looking for a senior pet that is still playful, but doesn’t have the high energy level of a puppy or kitten. Plus, she said, an older animal is more likely house-trained and can adapt easier to a home because it’s used to that environment.

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