Cleo: After 84 months ..
Seven is our lucky number!

We tip our paw to search dogs and first responders

Living in a state and a city prone to earthquakes, let's take a moment, and thank all the people and agencies who are there to help us during a natural disaster. Anyone remember San Francisco in 1989, during the World Series? I do. I will never forget what it was like during, and after, that devastating quake. 

Today as I watch the newest storm hit the East Coast, it seemed like the right time to stop and recognize first responders and search dogs working post-Sandy. We didn't have a dog in 1989, but I know how easy it is to become separated from your pet in a flash. And how scary.


image from
Search Dog Royce in training in Oklahoma

The Humane Society of the United States has been helping the animals affected by superstorm Sandy. The National Search Dog Foundation has also been working to find trapped or injured victims. They all deserve our recognition and gratitude for being there when we need them the most.

If you agree, stop by one of their pages below and say "thanks." Give them a tip of your hat, or paw, you'll make their day and maybe share a dose of joy right at the moment when they need that virtual pat-on-the-back the most.

Here are links to the various SDF and HSUS pages:


This post was written by a Nutro Knowledge Network Member and sponsored by the Nutro Company.

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