Why celebrate shelter dogs? Guess where Cleo came from..
Why celebrate shelter dogs? Guess where Cleo came from..October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.
Most shelter dogs are not broken, they are discarded. This is why many people and organizations care about making cities, states and our entire country, no-kill. Compared to when I was a kid, more people understand that dogs we find at rescues, shelters, humane societies, and animal centers are there because a family or a person didn't want them anymore. We've made progress. Today more communities have rescues and family friendly animal centers than the cold, and brutal looking pounds.
Today, we can find happy stories of dogs, adopted from a shelter, saving their family from a house fire, or loyally standing by while help came for their elderly companion. You'll find on this blog every week a story where a dog gave fearlessly.
Dogs are amazing creatures. I believe dogs in our lives can positively influence us. Consider pet therapy programs, reading assistance dogs, and dogs helping our returning veterans with PTSD.
Dogs make natural therapists. Have you seen how happy a senior gets when a dog visits their assisted living facility? My 90-year-old godmother's face lights up when Cleo, or any dog for that matter, visits her.
October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. This event is sponsored by the ASPCA to celebrate shelter dogs and highlight the many waiting for their forever home.
When you are ready to add a furry buddy to your family and home, please consider adopting from your local rescue, shelter, humane society or animal center.