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What makes your city dog friendly?

What makes your city dog friendly? What do you need to make you want to live there with your dog, rather than just visit? Is there a difference in friendliness?

My neighborhood of San Francisco is very dog friendly. We have parks where dogs and children share space, and parks specifically for dogs or children. Across town certain neighborhoods roll out the welcome mat for people with dogs, by putting water bowls outside their business or keeping treats at the cash register. Some shops don't mind if you walk into their store with your pup and will have a sign in the window saying "Dogs Welcome."

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Why celebrate shelter dogs? Guess where Cleo came from..

Why celebrate shelter dogs? Guess where Cleo came from..October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

Most shelter dogs are not broken, they are discarded. This is why many people and organizations care about making cities, states and our entire country, no-kill. Compared to when I was a kid, more people understand that dogs we find at rescues, shelters, humane societies, and animal centers are there because a family or a person didn't want them anymore. We've made progress. Today more communities have rescues and family friendly animal centers than the cold, and brutal looking pounds.

Cleo is the face of a shelter dog

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Weight. Wait! Weight? October is National Pet Wellness Month

Bet you never thought that one benefit from having a dog, especially a senior dog, would be your new found awareness of fiber, antioxidants, omega 3s and coconut oil.

Something I love about having a dog is that she not only teaches me about growing old gracefully, but she frequently gets me to go through mental checklists. Is she getting enough fiber? How much fiber am I getting? Is it time to change the supplements for her hips and dry skin or add more? Should I be taking a daily baby aspirin? We owe it to ourselves and our furry companions to spend a little time asking questions about our own health. 

October is National Pet Wellness Month. The holidays and cold winter months are ahead, this is the perfect time to stop and consider your dog's health, and yours too. Besides..isn't taking a "wellness day" a lot more fun than a "sick day?"

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National Disaster Search Dog Foundation Halloween Contest

There are times when we wish Cleo would let us dress her up for Halloween. Boooo. However this senior dog doesn't like it, and now we're at a stage where her handful of tricks get her treats year-round.

Just because Cleo doesn't want to join in the holiday doesn't mean we still can't have some fun this Halloween. Check out this super cute Halloween contest hosted by the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation.

SDF Search Dog Jack-o-Lantern Contest

To enter, go to the Search Dog Foundation's Facebook Page or the SDF's website, and pick your favorite search dog's picture.  

SDF - Justice
Sweet Justice makes a great model!

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Pilots N Paws airlift brings 40 dogs for new lives in Florida


About 40 refugees arrived in small planes at Craig Field on Saturday, furry and panting and wagging, quite happy to be on the ground.

They had no names, just numbers. The names will come later, in their new lives.

They were part of a massive volunteer operation by a group called Pilots N Paws, which on Saturday saw 80 or so pilots ferry more than 300 dogs out of an airport near Charlotte, N.C.

Their destinations: No-kill shelters in seven states, where the animals will have a chance to meet the humans who will eventually adopt them.

North Carolina has one of the highest pet euthanasia rates in the country, the group says, so this a life-or-death matter. But that doesn’t mean the people and animals involved weren’t having fun.

Read the full story

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