Influence Positively Interview - Marcie Grube
Marcie’s professional background is Business Administration, but a hobby and passion for technology led her down the path of empowering online communities to make positive change using Social Media. She has developed Social Media strategies for both profit and non-profit organizations. She enjoys helping other animal welfare organizations voice their unique mission, and then share that mission with an online community thirsting to help their cause.
Her favorite quote explaining her philosophy on Social Media: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My personal happy moments are when I’m home and my family of humans and critters are simply enjoying life with one another. I can’t even express how fulfilled I feel when my family is together, connecting and loving each other. It’s my most desperate wish that every person and pet on earth experiences that feeling.
If you could come back as a dog or a cat, which one would it be and why?
I know this may be breaking the space-time continuum or something, but is it possible to come back as a cat that I adopted? I spoil my own rescue cat, Moby, so shamelessly. He has it so good - I want to be pampered like that!
What is your pets most treasured possession?
My cat, Moby, covets his rope scratching pad. He shows off on it for me by sharpening his toes on it. Whoa, big buff kitty! Ginger, aka “Tiny Dog,” loves her squeaky stuffed animals. I truly lament the day I bought her a 16-squeaker-stuffed-crocodile. Squeak-squeak-squeak-SQUEAK-SQUEAK-SQUEAK!
Your proudest achievement so far?
My proudest moment has to be when I teach social media techniques to other pet rescues and organizations at Helen Woodward Animal Center’s ACES conferences. I love it when I convert someone who may be wary of social media, to someone who now has grasp on how social media and sees how it can help them adopt more pets and raise more money for their own cause. Social media can be scary, but if you take it one step at a time, you can make it work for you!
Who are your heroes in real life?
My dad, Lee Stewart, was a Scout Dog Handler in the Vietnam War. He and his scout dog, Lucky, protected U.S. troops by “walking point” and alerting fellow soldiers of IED’s or ambushes. Lucky and my dad saved many lives during their year-tenure in Vietnam. I am so proud of my dad and so thankful for Lucky… because without Lucky, my dad would not have made it home after the war, and I would not have been born. Sadly, Lucky died in Vietnam before my dad returned to the United States. Lucky remained in my dad’s heart for his entire life until my dad passed away in 2006. They are both the reason why I try to live each day to the fullest and why I work so hard to help pets in need.
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