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Influence Positively Interview - Kevin Kosik

Kevin Kosik joined PAWS as President/CEO in September 2011. With a background in corporate banking and more than 20 years of non-profit experience, Kevin brings expertise in fundraising, volunteer management and leadership development to his role overseeing organizational effectiveness and resource development at PAWS.  A Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), Kevin has devised and implemented annual fund, major donor, institutional and capital development programs and projects. He has held senior leadership positions at large non-profit organizations including serving as the Vice President & Chief Development Officer at the YMCA of the Central Bay Area, the Deputy Chief Development Officer & Director of Operations for SIERRA Magazine at the Sierra Club. He has served on the Board of Directors for The Emerging Artists Project, The Crucible and the Contra Costa Humane Society.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? I just came back from a long overdue vacation, so I’d have to say that perfect happiness is sitting on the beach, watching the waves and sharing quality time with family and friends. You have to make your own happiness and that means it can be found almost anywhere. We all need a little more happiness in our lives. I start with keeping the people I love close.

If you could come back as a dog or a cat, which one would it be and why? I’d definitely want to come back as a dog. If there truly are ‘dog people’ and ‘cat people’, I’d want to come back and be adopted by a classic ‘dog person’. I can just imagine it now: the morning walk around the block or a trip to the local dog park, a Kong full of peanut butter, lots of belly rubs and maybe a romp at Fort Funston before crashing on the couch for a nap. Yes – a dog’s life for me! I think I’d like to be a beagle.

What is your pets most treasured possession? Bailey, our 9 year old shephard mix, isn’t much for toys but she loves her spot on the bed looking out our front window. When she’s not sleeping on our pillows, she spends hours gazing out the window keeping the neighborhood safe. She’s a big beggar too – so other than the bed, she treasures dog treats.

Your proudest achievement so far? I’m definitely proud of my work to bring a community together to create a teen center in Berkeley and I cherish my work with PAWS where each day is an opportunity to make a difference in lives of the most vulnerable in our community. But I’m most proud of where I am in life right now – I’ve got a loving partner, supportive family and friends, great job and an amazing dog!  

Who are your heroes in real life? My heroes are those individuals who dedicate their lives to helping others, oftentimes risking their own lives in doing so – police officers, doctors, nurses, those who protect our country and especially firemen. My grandfather and father were volunteer firemen and my brother-in-law serves currently. What they do is really incredible. Anyone who selflessly devotes their time, talent and treasure to make sure that others are safe and healthy is a hero. And I’d be a terrible person if I didn’t say that my mother, the woman who taught me what’s important in life and almost everything I know, including what it means to be a man, was my hero.

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