Florida pilot transports 1,000th animal for Pilots N Paws
One of our favorite groups Pilots N Paws has a Florida pilot, Jeff Bennett, who just transported his 1,000th animal. We tip our paw to Jeff for donating his time, plane and transportation costs to this wonderful organization founded by Deborah Boies. Read our May 2011 Influence Positively Interview with the group’s president and co-founder.
GREENVILLE, Ala. — On a recent June day, Jeff Bennett flew his four-seat plane from the mangrove-dotted Florida Keys, past some angry thunder clouds to the fertile hills of Greenville, Ala. His mission: to save 23 dogs destined for death row.
Bennett, a 53-year-old retired businessman, donates his time, fuel and plane to Pilots N Paws, a South Carolina-based charity that enlists small plane pilots to transport animals from overcrowded shelters that have high euthanasia rates to foster homes, rescue groups and less-crowded shelters that don’t kill the animals.