Influence Positively Interviews: Dog Trainers Edition
Best Vacations In America - Wordless Wednesday

Operation War Dogs! Rover Oaks Pet Resort Celebrates Independence Day with Pet-friendly Party and Fundraising Drive for US War Dogs!


What better way to celebrate Independence Day and honor those who serve and protect our country and freedom!

Rover Oaks is holding a special event THIS Saturday, July 2, [2:30pm - 4:30pm at Rover Oaks Houston & Katy] to recognize Independence Day and to celebrate everyone's contribution to Operation: War Dogs

To date, the group has raised $4700 for the USWDA and, with your help, they can reach their goal of $6000!  These donations will help provide an abundance of critically needed items including K9 medications, food, grooming tools, bedding and other necessities. 

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