Pet Fostering: The One
Influence Positively Interview - Sherri Franklin

Dog Toys: Reduce Reuse Recycle

Why would you fix a broken toy, especially if it was for a dog? Do they care? Will they say "thank you"? 

Toy Crab Gets Broken Squeakers Replaced

It may be Cyber Monday and we just had Black Friday but with the economy suffering, it still makes sense to be frugal wherever you can. My sewing skills are minimal, yet I can sew a mean button and a decent hem. I'm not terribly crafty but I do like small and simple projects.  Cleo has broken most of her dog toys with squeakers inside.

Now seemed the perfect time to take many of our dog's toys and replace their broken squeakers. It has been nice with the quiet but it makes me a little sad to see our dog trying so hard to make the toy bird squeak.

I love our dog Cleo and I am grateful she came to us five years ago. She has been the best gift ever. She is the kind of dog that makes you a better human.  Maybe fixing her toys would be a nice project and would certainly be cheaper than buying new toys.

Like us she doesn't need more of anything, so I decided to take a page from the seven dwarves and Heloise. This was the perfect time to wash, replace and repair Cleo's toys. We bought a package of 20 replacement squeakers on Amazon for about $7.00.

Below are the steps I took.  They might make you feel eco-friendly if you hum along to Jack Johnson's song, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle from the Curious George Soundtrack.

  • Collect the toys from around the house & under the furniture

Toys in line for surgery

  • Line them up like patients at a clinic
  • Use X-acto knife for slim cuts into fabric. This keeps the cut from being jagged.
  • Gently slice one inch or so along a seam

Sheep Toy Gets Red Stitches

  • Pull out the broken squeaker
  • Replace with one, or two new squeakers if it can fit for extra fun and noise
  • Choose to match thread color to outside of toy or go for the tattoo look and use bright contrasting thread color

Bird Toy Repair

  • Sew nicely, reinforcing seam closure before tying secure knots
  • Cut excess thread
  • Repeat

Squirrel Toy
[We almost lost the squirrel-beaver toy. He kept going towards the light!]

  • Once all the toys are done, scoop them up into a netting bag or pillow case before washing.
  • Wash toys together on gentle cycle with a little nontoxic soap and no fabric softener
  • Dry thoroughly

Using nontoxic soap for dogs is important! Dogs put these toys in their mouth so what you wash the toys with they consume into their bodies through their saliva.

Dog Toy Tester
Cleo tested my sewing skills. I barely passed but an extra cookie helped.  As the bird, squirrel, sheep and crab squeaked loudly under her jaws again, I toasted my day of crafting with a glass of wine.

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